- 🛑Only for learning, communication, self-use, academic research use, do not commercial use!! Please comply with local laws and regulations, download must be deleted within 24 hours !!!!
- 🛑仅供学习交流和自用、学术研究使用,请勿商用!!!请遵守当地法律法规,下载后24小时内必须删除!!!!
- International/China accelerated ad filtering rules subscription.
- 国际/中国加速广告过滤规则订阅
- Cold Mo (TRLI) rules is the only one to provide a global comparison of the library.
- 冷莫规则是唯一一个提供全球比较全的库。
- This rule is a popular rule on upstream Github and GitLab. It is not maintained by me. I only maintain the whitelist that uses this rule
- 这个规则是上游Github和GitLab的流行规则,它不是我的维护者,我只维护白名单使用这个规则。
- The blacklist and whitelist have been processed, that is, the blacklist has been used, and the mistakenly killed domain name has been processed
- The black and white list is global
- Let me know if it was a mistak
- 已经处理黑白名单,即使用了黑名单,在处理的时候已经把误杀的域名处理了
- 黑白名单是全球的
- 误杀就告诉我
📃 干净的dns/Clean the DNS
干净的dns-doh/Clean the DNS - doh 🚀 链接/Link
主doh/main doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh/dns
备doh/prepare doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh1/dns
主stamps doh/main stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIIL2RvaC9kbnM/添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
备stamps doh/prepare stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIJL2RvaDEvZG5z /添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
ios14-干净的dns-主doh/ios14-Clean the DNS - main doh dns-cdn-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-干净的dns-备doh/ios14-Clean the DNS - prepare doh dns-cdn-doh1.mobileconfig
📃 干净的dns hosts/Clean the DNS hosts
干净的dnshosts-doh/Clean the DNShosts - doh 🚀 链接/Link
主doh/main doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh/dns-hosts
备doh/prepare doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh1/dns-hosts
主stamps doh/main stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIOL2RvaC9kbnMtaG9zdHM/添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
备stamps doh/prepare stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIPL2RvaDEvZG5zLWhvc3Rz /添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
ios14-干净的dns-主doh/ios14-Clean the DNS - main doh dns-cdn-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-干净的dns-备doh/ios14-Clean the DNS - prepare doh dns-cdn-doh1.mobileconfig
📃 去广告ad-dns-pro-doh/To advertising AD DNS PRO DOH
去广告ad-dns/To advertising AD DNS 🚀 链接/Link
主doh/main doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh/ad-dns-pro
备doh/prepare doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh1/ad-dns-pro
主stamps doh/main stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIPL2RvaC9hZC1kbnMtcHJv /添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
备stamps doh/prepare stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIQL2RvaDEvYWQtZG5zLXBybw /添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
ios14-去广告dns-主doh/ios14-To advertising AD - main doh ad-dns-pro-cdn-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-去广告dns-备doh/ios14-To advertising AD - prepare doh ad-dns-pro-cdn-doh1.mobileconfig
📃 去广告ad-dns-lite-doh/To advertising AD DNS LITE DOH
去广告ad-dns/To advertising AD DNS 🚀 链接/Link
主doh/main doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh/ad-dns-lite
备doh/prepare doh https://dns-cdn.trli.club/doh1/ad-dns-lite
主stamps doh/main stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIQL2RvaC9hZC1kbnMtbGl0ZQ /添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
备stamps doh/prepare stamps doh sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAAAARZG5zLWNkbi50cmxpLmNsdWIRL2RvaDEvYWQtZG5zLWxpdGU /添加到AdGuard/Added to the AdGuard
ios14-去广告dns-主doh/ios14-To advertising AD - main doh ad-dns-pro-cdn-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-去广告dns-备doh/ios14-To advertising AD - prepare doh ad-dns-pro-cdn-doh1.mobileconfig
阿里 DoT/DoH (Alidns) 🚀 链接/Link
ios14-alidns-doh dns.alidns.dns-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-alidns-dot dns.alidns.dns-dot.mobileconfig
腾讯 DoT/DoH (DNSPod) 🚀 链接/Link
ios14-doh.pub-doh doh.pub-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-sm2-doh.pub-doh sm2-doh.pub-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-dot.pub-dot dot.pub-dot.mobileconfig
360 DoT/DoH (360) 🚀 链接/Link
ios14-doh.360.cn-doh doh.360.cn-doh.mobileconfig
ios14-dot.360.cn-dot dot.360.cn-dot.mobileconfig
onedns.net DoT/DoH (onedns) 🚀 链接/Link
ios14-doh-pure.onedns.net-doh doh-pure.onedns.net.mobileconfig
ios14-dot-pure.onedns.net.mobileconfig-dot dot-pure.onedns.net.mobileconfig